If you already have automatic chapters on, any manually added chapters will override your automatic ones, so you don’t need to worry about turning the feature off before continuing.

0:00 Intro 2:10 Segway 3:14 Adding Chapters You have to start with “0:00,” which is the beginning of your video. Your video must have at least 3 timestamps, listed in ascending order (you can’t have “2:10”, “3:15”, then “0:00”). Each chapter must be at least 10 seconds long.

Not all videos will have automatic chapters. There are a few different factors that determine if your video gets automatic chapters including if the content of your video is considered inappropriate to some viewers or if your channel has any strikes against it. Automatic chapters are enabled by default, so you shouldn’t have to turn it on unless you’ve previously turned it off.

Maybe the automatic chapters were a little off when marking places in your video. This method helps you edit the chapters so they are in the right places.

Automatic chapters are enabled by default, so you shouldn’t have to turn it on unless you’ve previously turned it off. You can also disable this feature if you don’t want any of your future uploads to have this feature.

If that doesn’t display your changes, YouTube claims any changes can take up to 24 hours to show up. Make sure you formatted your timestamps correctly (mm:ss; 0:00).

However, the chapter text will only be in the video creator’s language and won’t be translated. For example, if you upload a video with chapters in English, the chapters will only appear in English. You can, to get around this, translate the description into multiple languages and thus translate the chapters into different languages!