For example, you may ask them, “Hey, Chuck, what do you want to see?” or “Any new movies out you really want to see?”

Agreeing on the movie together can also show your date that you are willing to compromise, which can be an attractive quality in a romantic partner. For example, you may say, “Why don’t we compromise and see a comedy?” or “What about going to see something we both like?”

If you are really into your date and want to look sexy, you may take it up a notch by wearing heels, a dress, or a collared shirt.

For example, you may text, “See you at the Westbrook theater at 7 pm. Looking forward to it :)” or call them and say, “Meet you outside the theater at 6:30. Can’t wait!”

Another option is to arrange to meet with your date early at the theater so you can get snacks and good seats before the movie starts. This way, you do not feel rushed or overwhelmed at the start of the date.

Only offer to hug them or peck them on the cheek if you feel it is appropriate. Consider whether you have greeted each other physically before or if your date is comfortable with that level of affection in public.

Some people like to split the cost of a date so everything is equal. Avoid falling into gender norms where the guy always pays on a date. This does not always have to be the case. Do what you feel comfortable with.

If you don’t want to have bad breath, you may go for snacks like Junior Mints or order a water with your snacks to keep your breath fresh. One option is to pay for the snacks for the movie if your date covered the tickets. This way, you keep things equal.

You may allow your date to take the lead on choosing seats, especially if you are not picky.

If your date tries to shift away from you, turns their body away, or crosses their arms, they may be displaying negative body language. These may be signs that they are not 100 percent comfortable being close to you or into being intimate. Keep in mind, in some cases, if your date shifts away from you or sits with their arms crossed, they may just be cold or like sitting at a distance. The only way to really know what they are thinking is to ask them directly.

For example, you may say, “Is it okay if I kiss you?” or “Are you comfortable with me touching you?” If your date says “no,” do not pressure them to be intimate. Accept their response and go back to enjoying the movie. If your date says “yes,” you can be intimate. Make sure you check in with them often to confirm they are consenting. Going on a movie date does not mean you have to be intimate. You and your date may be happy watching the movie and enjoying the experience together.

For example, you may ask, “So, what did you think of the action scene?” or “Did you enjoy the ending?”

For example, you may say, “Let’s talk some more about the movie over drinks” or “Want to grab some food and chat more about that fight scene?”

For example, you may say to your date, “Want to go see another movie next weekend?” or “How about I take you to dinner and a movie next time?”

If you have planned another date in the future, you may want to say to your date, “See you soon!” or “I’ll contact you next week about dinner, can’t wait!”