In general, when people approach you, don’t give the time of day, even if it’s your best friend, or a romantic interest. They are so much below you in skill and knowledge, you should act like you’re bored by their presence.

Start cultivating a grim and serious demeanor. Go on long contemplative walks like Sasuke does. Scowl while you do it. Try to stop laughing at jokes, or at little trifles. Sasuke is deadly serious at all times, making it important that you focus on the gravity of life and the most important things. No time for jokes!

Study hard, especially the serious subjects like history and literature. Study the great works and commit to being a warrior monk, able to quote poetry at length and do battle in equal measure.

When you do speak, speak clearly and confidently and make pauses between sentences, for more effect. You must not look uncertain when you speak, just say what you mean and mean what you say. Don’t stop in the middle or start fading your voice. Confidence shows that whatever you are talking you mean it.

Don’t look to others to validate your pride and your confidence in yourself. Sasuke’s favorite word is “power” (力, chikara). So, try to gain it, in everything you stumble upon. Find your inner light and your inner strength and use that as your source of confidence, not the opinions of others. Please yourself. Be sexy. You have a load of self-confidence and you show it. Be yourself and definitely don’t flirt with that goofball blonde.

Tighten your brow and arch your eyebrows dramatically to scowl, then open your eyes and stare with great intensity, as if you’re trying to bore a hole through the wall with your sheer power of will.

If you want a slightly tamer version, keep your hair short in the back and grow out your bangs, sweeping them to the side of your face. Sometimes called the “swoop bangs” or “emo hair,” this look is closely linked to the manga look.

Yoga, aerobics, strength-training are all excellent ways of getting in shape for a Sasuke vibe. Try to find a Cross-Fit style total-body workout that you can do a few times a week to get into a healthy weight and improve your stamina. These workouts combine strength training and aerobic exercise, helping to build muscle, burn fat, and improve your cardiovascular health.

The seriousness and meditativeness of martial arts may also center you and improve your impression of Sasuke from an attitude perspective.

Swordsmanship is a skill that requires lifelong practice and dedication. You’re not going to pick it up in an afternoon, and playing around with sharp swords is a good way to injure yourself seriously. Study swords in a professional environment, and never use a sharp sword if you don’t know what you’re doing.

“My name is Sasuke Uchiha. I hate a lot of things, and I don’t particularly like anything. What I have is not a dream, because I will make it a reality. I’m going to restore my clan, and destroy a certain someone. " “If you think I’m just a foolish kid ruled by his emotions, that’s fine. Following Itachi’s path would be childish, the whispering of fools who don’t know hatred. If anyone else tries to ridicule the way I live, I’ll slaughter everyone they ever cared about. And then maybe they’ll understand what it’s like to taste… a little of my hatred. " “There is no question that you are special. . . unfortunately you’re not quite as special as I am!” “With my hatred . . . I’ll turn the illusion into reality!” “I am on a path the rest of you can’t follow. . . " “I have long since closed my eyes. . . My only goal is in the darkness. "