Eat plenty of servings of corn, white beans, and lentils, since these are especially effective for acidifying urine. Most salads are also helpful for lowering urine pH. Avoid potatoes, lima beans, soybeans, parsnips, spinach, and dried vegetables.

Eat fruits such as prunes, plums and cranberries freely. Avoid cantaloupe, raisins, dates, figs, dried fruits, in addition to citrus fruits. You can also drink fruit juices (about 16 ounces a day), such as prune, plum, and cranberry, but stay away from citrus and tomato juices.

Two hearty servings of meat such as beef, poultry, or fish each day. A few eggs per day. Nuts as a snack (but not almonds or chestnuts). At least some carbs each day (white or brown rice, pasta, cereal, and bread are all good options).

You can also try eating foods such as beets, broccoli, grains (wheat bran or quinoa), and spinach. These are relatively high in betaine, but you will need to eat several servings each day to get enough of the amino acid. Betaine can interact with medications. Mild side effects include diarrhea, nausea, or an upset stomach. Talk to your doctor before you start taking supplements. If you have high cholesterol or kidney disease, talk to your doctor before taking betaine. Betaine can worsen these issues.

Drinking 12 ounces of cranberry juice per day may be an effective treatment.