Write down a list of everything you want to achieve. Check over your list and seriously consider whether or not it is realistic. State your goals positively. Instead of “I want to be less worried about my appearance,” write “I want to be confident about my appearance. ”[8] X Research source Be specific. The more specific you are, the easier it will be to define success.

Commit to the process. When you focus on the process, rather than the endpoint, you will find it much easier to stay on track. [10] X Trustworthy Source Harvard Business Review Online and print journal covering topics related to business management practices Go to source Note that your long-term goal does not have to be set in stone, word-for-word. Times will change, people will change, and therefore, your goals will change. It’s not an exact science, so you don’t need to treat it like one. Allow yourself some room to grow. Create a checklist of things you should do every day to work towards your goal. Do those things every day without fail.

To find inspiration, try disconnecting from your usual routine. [11] X Research source Listen to music. Spend time in nature [12] X Research source [13] X Expert Source Ira IsraelLicensed Counselor and Psychotherapist [v162157_b01] 17 June 2022. Carry around a small notepad with you. Write down inspirational moments so you can remember them later.

To find inspiration, try disconnecting from your usual routine. [11] X Research source Listen to music. Spend time in nature [12] X Research source [13] X Expert Source Ira IsraelLicensed Counselor and Psychotherapist [v162157_b01] 17 June 2022. Carry around a small notepad with you. Write down inspirational moments so you can remember them later.

Focus on the things that you can influence and then do them. As before, remember you are engaging in a process. Adapt to new circumstances by setting new goals. Be open to learning new things. [20] X Research source

Tell someone you see frequently about your goals. When the people in your life know about your goals, they can help you achieve them and hold you accountable. Sometimes our willpower fails us, but the people around us can help. [22] X Trustworthy Source Penn State Extension Educational organization dedicated to delivering science-based information to people, businesses, and communities Go to source

Even after you achieve your goals, continue to abide by the checklist you created earlier. This will help you continue to progress even further than you thought you could. Failure is not absolute. Samuel Beckett wrote: “Try again. Fail again. Fail better. ”[24] X Research source Samuel Beckett, Westward Ho! (1983) Follow this simple premise and you will be able to continue to work toward achieving your full potential.