Opt to include a serving of protein in every meal. Things like poultry, beef, eggs, nuts, and legumes all contain protein. Go for protein-based snacks. Have a piece of low-fat cheese in the afternoon. Go for a hard boiled egg or a handful of nuts when you feel hungry.

Other sources of biotin include liver, soy flour, and yeast.

In general, oily fish are better. Go for salmon, herring, sardines, trout, and mackerel. In addition to fish, omega-3 fatty acids are found in avocado, pumpkin seeds, and walnuts.

Nuts are particularly good for hair. They contain zinc, selenium, and vitamin E, all of which are great for your hair’s health. Try snacking on nuts between meals. Be careful not to overindulge on nuts, however. They tend to have a lot of calories.

Dark green vegetables tend to contain a lot of iron, so add a lot of greens to your diet. Put some spinach on your sandwich at lunch, or order a small side salad. When you go out to eat, see if you can order something like grilled asparagus or Brussels sprouts for an appetizer instead of french fries or potatoes. Red meat is another very good source of iron. Look for lean cuts of red meat to avoid unhealthy fats. Whole grains also contain a lot of iron, so always opt for whole grains when possible. Go for whole wheat bread and pasta over white varieties. Have a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast in the morning. You can also take iron supplements, but you should talk to your doctor first to make sure supplements are safe for you.

You should always talk to your doctor before taking any new supplements. You never know how supplements will interact with existing medication. If you’re unable to take supplements, try spending more time in the sun each day; however, be careful to wear sunscreen with UV protection. Too much exposure to UV rays can be dangerous to your health.

Citrus fruits are all rich in vitamin C. Go for oranges, lemons, limes, clementines, and other citrus fruits. Many vegetables contain vitamin C. Cucumbers, tomato, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, leafy greens, and red peppers are all sources of vitamin C.

Fruits and vegetables are the main sources of vitamin A. Green and yellow vegetables tend to contain the most vitamin A, so go for things like green and yellow peppers, bananas, leafy greens, and other green and yellow plants. Sweet potatoes, broccoli, and apricots are also great sources of vitamin A.

Drink only water with meals. If you have trouble drinking plain water, try drinking flavored seltzer water or putting fruits, vegetables or herbs (like lemon, cucumber, or mint) in your water to improve its taste. Keep a water bottle with you throughout the day. Make a point of periodically taking a sip. Take every opportunity you can to drink water. Stop by a water fountain and take a drink every chance you get.

Make sure to read food labels. A lot of foods have a surprising amount added sugar. It’s not uncommon for a seemingly healthy food, like granola or pasta sauce, to be loaded with sugar. If you need to indulge your sweet tooth, do so sparingly. Try going for a fun-sized candy bar instead of a full sized one. Have a diet soda at lunch instead of a regular soda. Eat fruit if you’re craving something sweet. Fruit has natural sugars, and also contains vitamins and minerals that can help your hair stay strong and beautiful.

Do not buy junk food. If you have things like chips and candy in your house, you’ll be tempted to overindulge. Bring healthy snacks to work if candy and junk food will be provided. This way, you’ll fill up on quality snacks and won’t be tempted by junk food. If you’re having a craving, indulge it reasonably. For example, get a 100 calorie bag of chips so you don’t end up overeating.

As smoking is bad for your overall health, try to quit if you’re a smoker. Talk to your doctor about how to taper off nicotine. If you drink, limit the amount of alcohol you consume. Stick to one or two drinks at happy hour with co-workers. Try to avoid keeping alcohol at home, as you may be tempted to drink it. Stick to one or two cups of coffee in the morning, and avoid caffeinated beverages throughout the day. Soda, energy drinks, and some teas contain caffeine.