The show’s success has yet to wane, as it’s released well over 700 episodes by now, earning it the reputation of being the longest running animated series in American history. The Simpsons hasn’t lasted as long as it has just because it was the first widely popular adult animated series. What has made the series as successful and long-lasting as it’s been is its unmatchable use of satire and its lovable flawed characters that remind us all that we’re capable of growth.

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Because The Simpsons was so original for its time and found such notable success, many other adult animated shows tried to follow its lead. Beyond just imitating the animated style that The Simpsons made iconic, several other adult animated shows also mimicked the humor of The Simpsons, though some less successfully than others. In fact, there aren’t any popular adult animated shows that attempt a different tone than the satirical structure that The Simpsons coined.

Down to some of the episode concepts and jokes, many other notable adult animated shows have practically copied The Simpsons. American Dad!, Family Guy, Rick and Morty, and more all have stylistic details, episodes, or jokes that many fans would recognize as closely mimicking those used by The Simpsons. There are even some kids shows that attempt to take this same satirical approach that The Simpsons began, though they lighten the content so that it’s more relatable and digestible to a child audience. Spongebob Squarepants, Gravity Falls, The Amazing World of Gumball are all solid examples that fans will recognize similarities in. Unsurprisingly, the animated shows for kids stand out among other cartoons because they encourage kids to learn in a less traditional fashion that encourages self-reflection.

However, some of these shows failed to achieve the same quality of satire that The Simpsons has. This is because they either didn’t develop the characters to reflect the lesson in the episode, or they were too simple-minded to have the same impact through humor that The Simpsons achieved.

Nonetheless, the idea of a show for adults that put real world problems into perspective in a light and humorous fashion was far too appealing for other creators not to attempt. As a result, there are now a multitude of other adult animated shows that are very similar to The Simpsons, though their overarching plot may vary somewhat to give them some level of differentiation. The number of these shows only increased further when streaming became popular, likely because it seemed like a safe bet to producers. Yet, not many of these shows go on to span over decades like The Simpsons.

There are of course, some other adult animated shows that have developed as recognizable an image as The Simpsons, like Family Guy and Rick and Morty, but whether or not they will have the same impact throughout time, is yet to be determined. There are also people that feel that The Simpsons popularity will fizzle out because it has been aired for so long, especially as the series writers continue to change, but that has yet to happen. Though the new writers of the show have changed the humor style, its satire is stronger than ever, as it addresses many of the current problems in society with a unique and reflective perspective.

Further, along with The Simpsons holding firm in its iconic status, creator Matt Groening has begun several other adult animated endeavors that have the potential to have the same influence. One example is Futurama, which (though it was canceled) was extremely well received by viewers and had become a staple of the pop culture of its time–so much so that it’s now being revived and brought back on Hulu this year. Another great example is Disenchantment, which has received great ratings and reviews for its unique storyline and lovable characters, despite only having 4 seasons.

That said, no matter what direction The Simpsons takes with the storyline, and no matter how long it continues to be made, the voice of the show will linger on, and it will certainly remain a historically successful show. Between the inevitable spin-offs that will follow it, and the current shows that try to replicate its satirical formula, The Simpsons will always be a recognizable force in television, world-wide. It is the impact of this single show that has inspired and set the standard for what viewers want to see in other adult animated shows. Clearly, even if The Simpsons eventually gets canceled, America’s favorite animated family will live on in the hearts of the many generations that grew up with the show.

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