The U.N. Security Council orders the Serbian-controlled Yugoslav Army UNA) to withdraw from Bosnia. JNA forces simply join local Serb nationalists. The U.N. takes no action.

The West demands that Serbs lift siege of Sarajevo and hand in weapons to the U.N. Serb President Slobodan Milosevic says he can’t control Bosnian Serbs. The West does nothing.

The U.N. Security Council votes to enforce a no-fly zone over Bosnia. Since then, Serbian planes have violated the ban nearly 800 times. The West hasn’t tried to stop them once.

To force acceptance of the Vance-Owen peace plan, Bill Clinton vows to arm the Muslims and strike Serbian positions. Bosnian Serbs reject Vance-Owen. Nothing happens.

NATO threatens airstrikes to relieve the “strangulation” of Sarajevo. The Serbs withdraw from mountains above the city, and let some aid through. The West has yet to bomb.