Both the Xbox Series X and PS5 have teased their specifications, but the internet allows people to control the narrative, rather than the studios. This means some technical aspects can be ridiculed before they are confirmed, and others are completely fabricated but even more damaging. While there have been positive rumors about the PS5 and Xbox Series X, many are often confused by the constant conjecture.

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Recently, Senior Director of Xbox Hardware, David Prien took to Twitter and asked users about specs. The director asked, " Why do people want to know specs of anything so far in advance?" This sparked plenty of discourse with some comments saying they like to know what they’re buying and others agreeing that there is too much emphasis on specs. Either way, it seemed odd that someone with the Twitter handle David “8k” Prien would wonder why people would want to know about specifications of the console in advance. After all, his account acts as promotion for the Xbox Series X and its hardware. It is evident that the industry wants to publicize its achievements, but in this case, only on its terms.

The Xbox consoles have benefited from and focused on specs, and it seems an odd move to now lament users for wanting to know what they’ve been told is important year after year. While the leaks are frustrating, the gaming industry has spent decades teasing fans with specs and Xbox continued this trend with high up members of its teams using pictures of a CPU with 8k engraved into them. The 8k engraving was confirmed to be connected to the resolution the Xbox Series X can provide, and the company is profiting from feeding rumors.

More people were talking about the new PS5 logo than the new Xbox, and this illustrates the focus of many players. This insight makes it clear that the Xbox Series X accomplishments are at times being overlooked. At the same time, the PS5 logo received plenty of negative comments as it didn’t evolve from previous generations. The internet has many difficult audiences and commentary provided by players does not necessarily reflect sales, and with this in mind, there is a distinct possibility that consoles need to adapt their marketing strategy for the way people currently use the internet.

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The rumors about the graphics card in the PlayStation 5 have been incredibly positive, yet despite this, the reaction to the logo of the console does show signs of danger. While the Xbox may struggle to generate excitement from all consumers, Sony failing on its promises or the expectation leaks create could be disastrous for the console. There are different problems created by fans and the ability of users to fabricate stories or sway communities. The PS5 illustrates the weight of expectation and the Xbox Series X shows the difficulty in making sure messaging lands.

There is little doubt that the Xbox Series X and the PS5 will be impressive consoles. The issue both consoles will face is the managing of expectation and the fallout if either fails to deliver. What we know about the consoles is that they are powerful, but what will likely concern players is how the consoles use their capabilities. Specs are important and players want to know what they’re playing so naturally some theorize about them. Managing this discussion is a unique task for the respective companies, but what will likely overcome this discussion is quality experiences.

Varying reactions to console announcements can be widespread and the biggest challenge companies face is filtering information in a way that pleases fans. One factor that stops this being successfully done is the rumors that circulate online, and this can often be damaging to a brand’s campaign. While the vast majority of the recent online discussion has focused on specs, this will likely change as the next generation of consoles launch. Microsoft’s former product planning director Albert Penello once said that comparisons were a waste of time ,and that games would be the deciding factor in last generations console war. This proved true, as with Sony having more exclusive games leading to the success of the PlayStation 4, and the importance of titles will likely continue in this generation of consoles as well. The one sure way to overcome the competition and rumors is to provide great games.

Both the Xbox Series X and PS5 have release windows of Holiday 2020.

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