Ghostwire: Tokyo is developed by horror legend Shinji Mikami’s Tango GameWorks, and directed by Kenji Kimura. The game takes the players to modern-day Tokyo where everyone in the world has vanished overnight, and the protagonist has to face off against the spirits of the world.
The game is set for March 25, 2022, on Windows PC and PlayStation 5, but before that, let’s take a closer look at how Tango Gameworks is shaping the world of Ghostwire: Tokyo.
Visit a rain-soaked, neon-lit modern-day japan in Ghostwire: Tokyo
Over the years, there have been multiple interpretations of Tokyo in video games. From Yakuza to the most recent Persona, and Shin Megami Tensei series, the most-populous metropolitan city in the world has been recreated to interact with in entertainment medium.
With the development of technology, the interpretation of the capital city of Japan has taken substantial leaps, to represent a more authentic and vibrant city. Tango GameWorks pushes the limit to bring the rain-soaked neon-lit streets of Tokyo to life, along with some spiritual companions.
In Ghostwire: Tokyo, players face a city where every citizen has vanished, and otherworldly spirits have taken their place. The player takes the role of Akito, as his supernatural powers begin to manifest. He, along with his spiritual guide KK, takes on the manifested sprites in the streets of Tokyo.
The game is played from a first-person perspective where Akito faces off against different supernatural beings..The player utilizes hand movements inspired by Kuji-Kiri hand gestures to cast various psychic and paranormal abilities, and defeat the ghosts and spirits haunting Tokyo.
From phone booths to big skyscrapers with adjacent narrow streets bring an authentic Tokyo to life. The absence of life and deserted cars create an eerie silence that is certain to give the players an uncomfortable uncertainty.
The game is set to be released on March 25, 2022, on PlayStation 5 and PC.
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