RATING Contact with permission (four stars)
PRIVACY POLICY OF THESE WEB SITES aol.com, bluemountainarts.com, digitalcity.com, hotmail.com
WHAT IT MEANS Won’t share personally identifiable information with third parties. May contact you, but only if you granted prior permission.
RATING (three stars) Share with permission
PRIVACY POLICY OF THESE WEB SITES altavista.com, cnet.com, excite.com, passport.com
WHAT IT MEANS These sites may share your personally identifiable information with third parties, but will ask you first.
RATING (two stars) Contact without permission
PRIVACY POLICY OF THESE WEB SITES cdnow.com, ebay.com, ivillage.com, sportsline.com, travelocity.com
WHAT IT MEANS You may be contacted by one of these sites without your explicit permission. But they do not share information without permission.
RATING (one star) Share without permission
PRIVACY POLICY OF THESE WEB SITES amazon.com, barnesandnoble.com, geocities.com, lycos.com, msn.com, netscape.com, real.com yahoo.com
WHAT IT MEANS May share your information without permission, sometimes adding restrictions. Microsoft Network (MSN) policy, for example, is not to sell user lists, but some MSN sites “may… carefully select other companies to send you information.”