That’s why services like Reedsy’s publishers directory are great assets as they gather relevant resources in one place, saving you months of work and helping you find the support your book needs.

In terms of finding the right publisher for your book, here’s how Reedsy can help.

1. Decide Whether You Need an Agent First

Most publishers don’t accept unsolicited manuscripts, except for certain genres or forms of writing like poetry and academic works.

So, the first thing to do is determine whether your book needs representation. Then, you can work on finding a literary agent with Reedsy’s resources. As well as contacting publishers, they can perfect your manuscript.

2. Browse Reedsy’s Publishers Directory for Suitable Presses

To bypass agents, try Reedsy’s directory of publishers that accept direct submissions. Keep your requirements in mind as you filter through your options.

For example, you can look specifically for Canadian book publishers on Reedsy. You can filter through several locations around the world, from countries to cities.

You can also home in on presses accepting submissions for specific genres, formats, and sizes. Reedsy’s listed publishers of mystery and crime alone are 79 and counting.

3. Create a Shortlist of Publishers and Study Them in Detail

The next step in finding the right publisher for your book is choosing some candidates and learning more about them.

Start with Reedsy’s directory, where you’ll find each company’s details, including their size, preferred formats, hit titles, and website. Put your favorites in a shortlist.

Determine what books these publishers like or lean towards at the moment. Decide whether your work fits their portfolio, while also pinpointing how.

Ideally, you’ll want to find a company that’s published books similar in style, topic, or concept to yours. Identifying such books will come in handy in the final step.

4. Submit Your Book With a Personalized Letter

When you approach a publisher directly, your submission should include a personalized letter detailing why the company should take a chance on your book. This is where your research and Reedsy’s resources can really pay off.

You’re basically writing a query letter, where you specify why you and this press are an excellent match. If you already gave this some thought in step three, the letter should be simple enough to produce.

It’s also an opportunity to name check titles on their list that resemble your book in some way. Use these titles to show that your book will fit into their list, or explain how it can complement it.

The impression you make largely depends on this letter, but also on your submission’s overall quality. Apart from editing the text, for example, make sure you follow Reedsy’s guide on formatting manuscripts. Aim for perfection and you’re more likely to get signed.

Good Preparation Can Attract the Right Publisher Faster

As Reedsy’s guide on landing a book deal explains, getting published isn’t easy. But hard work and reliable support can get you there. Your book must be at its very best, while Reedsy and your agent bring in their resources and expertise.

Is this all sounding a little premature? If you’re not at the publishing stage yet, you should just aim to improve your creative writing in any way you can, whether that’s by taking a class or participating in a writing contest. Reedsy is here to help with all of this.