Sure dual lens camera phones aren’t anything new and DSLRs and Leicas are far more capable at capturing photographs. But Apple’s new attempt is certainly a major refinement in phone photography making us hopeful for a bright future.

Although advancement in technology has changed the way we capture photos, here are some much needed advancements that need to come out in the future.

Eye Movement Controlled Cameras

Clicking a photo with the blink of an eye sure sounds like something from science fiction. But imagine the possibilities if your cameras could work according to your eye movement.  Google glass has already shown the immense possibilities of such a way to capture images and we’re certainly looking forward to more improvements. This would not only eliminate the need for bulky cameras and tripods, but would allow photographers to capture images from a variety of angles.

Realistic Low Light Photography

Have you ever tried capturing a beautiful sunrise with your phone camera? No matter how great the capture might be, it would still lack several colors seen by naked eye. Low light photography would enable pictures to be taken as they are seen by one’s eyes, along with the added advantage of realistic captures in the dark. This would eliminate the need to use a flash to artificially create lighting conditions

Better Autofocus

Controlling your camera’s focus requires some skill and is essential for creating great looking photographs. Although a lot of digital camera and phone camera users might be comfortable using autofocus, we know it is horrible and often fails to capture the subject like you intend to. Therefore, creating a better autofocus setting is certainly a technological challenge that camera manufacturers need to conquer.

DSLR Like Capabilities in Phone Cameras

The current technology restricts manufacturers from installing high powered lenses in phone cameras mainly due to size restrictions. There have been developments such as the ultra-thin lenses for cameras, which could actually allow phone cameras to come toe-to-toe with single lens digicams. Let’s keep our fingers crossed for this one.

Accurate Facial Recognition

Have you grown tired of digital cameras distorting people’s face or confusing their features with the background? This anomaly has certainly become a bane of digital photography and makes us want to go back to film reel cameras.

Several new developments such as Apple’s acquisition of LinX imaging show significant promise that these above technologies might see the daylight after all. If these improvements ever come to pass, this would not only result in better photography but would eliminate the need for post-editing.

Since there is quite some time before these improvements are worked upon, you could also use the Tweak Photos tool to easily edit your photographs. Tweak Photos not only lets you add realistic touches and edits for much better looking photographs, but also allows you to edit multiple files at a time.